Monday, March 24, 2008

A marine and a crazy lady.

We went on base to see the Silent Drill team and the Marine Corps band perform. Look at this sharp Marine right here! He stood at attention for the longest time. People lined up to take photos with him.

I couldn't resist. He didn't crack a smile. I'm sure he probably wanted to bust out laughing but, he couldn't. LOL
I am so bad!


M said...

You are so mean!! Although I have done similar things to the guards that stand outside Whitehall and other places in london because they aren`t allowed to smile/move/talk to you. Tormenting them is REALLY hard to resist!!

Anonymous said...

TANYETTA!!! You are soooo bad. ROFL

Atasha said...

You are so funny. I laughed so hard. And look at your face!

Shelliza said...

You're too funny! I wonder what's going on in his head.

Tania said...

Hahaha! you are crazay!

Anonymous said...

You are so crazy!!! I wonder what keeps them from smiling. Maybe they envision a huge boulder smooshing them to smithereens if they so much as move a muscle, lol.

Afrodite said...

Lmao!!! Oh my god! He's like those guys that guard Bukingham Palace.

Believer said...

That's just wrong! ;)


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