Thursday, March 27, 2008

Random chats with the first born

Danyelle: Mom, I always listen to you. Even when you think I'm not listening. I am listening.
Me: That's really sweet to know. There are times I honestly think I'm talking to the air.
Danyelle: Never that. It's just that sometimes, you go on and on and I never know when you're going to stop.
Me: *blink, blink, blink*

New topic: The subject of 'boyfriends' came up. I cringe when I hear my first born talk of boys. I don't know why but, my heart just drops to my stomach and starts to do a turn or two. Then of course, I get the nervous laugh and brace myself. You never know what might come up when the topic of boys come up.

And the other part...Don't tell dad. Ugh! I hate that. Please, don't put this much pressure on me. You know I can't keep water if I were a cup. Needless to say the topic didn't go too deep and we stayed on the surface only speaking of what kind of boys she likes.

Her: Someone big and muscular like dad.
Me: Really? You like big and muscular guys?
Her: Yeah but, they need to have facial hair and hair on their head. Not bald like dad.
Me: Hmm...quite interesting. Like your friend John*?
Her: No, mom. Not like John*. He's gay.
Me: He is? Oh, well, push me over with a feather with that one.
Her: My friends thinks dad is hot. I don't agree. I mean come on now. That's just gross to hear your friends say that your dad is hot. Don't you agree mom?
Me: Your male friends thinks dad is hot?
Her: No mom. My girlfriends.
Me: Oh, oops, my bad. Umm...yeah. I agree. Dad is hot? ewwwww...never! LOL

Her: Yeah so, basically if and when I want a boyfriend these are the features I'm looking for. Big, Muscular, and facial hair like a beard!

(thinking to myself) Whew! that was a close call I thought the description was going to get deeper than that. I can't handle much more until I get the refill of my pills next week.

How come she never gets into details with her dad? I hear them debating about History facts or arguing over the next move in chess. I get the deep (boyfriend) discussions and he gets the History and facts sessions. I guess we make a balanced pair of parents. Or maybe because I always ask a million questions and conversations with her dad are usually about one sentence long at times! Sometimes I guess less is more!

*=names changed to protect their identity and because her friends read my blog too!


Isaida said...

I think it's great she comes to you with stuff like that. Also, she is beautiful!

Shai said...

LOL. I can So relate. My daughter says I go on and on and on like I won't stop. It does feel good when I see her do things I thought she was not listening to. LOL.

The boys thing makes my heart stop. LOL. I am screaming inside when she talks about them. Whew! She is almost 18 and I feel so old sometimes. LOL.

Jameil said...

i love that her friends read your blog. that's cute. my mom is so the opposite of you. she wants to know everything and i tell her almost everything. lmao @ "It's just that sometimes, you go on and on and I never know when you're going to stop." HUHlarious. Sometimes I have to tell my mom, "STOP!!" All that chatter man!

Unknown said...

LOL I can't wait till i have those kind of conversations with my daughter!

Jenna Wood said...

That's always the lot of the mom--to hear about boys. And mean girls. And to handle all the crying.

I have 2 sisters. My mom is a saint.

Kristen M. said...

She is beautiful. At least she is willing to talk to you about boys.

Lissete said...

I hear ya! My girls discuss math & computers with their dad. I guess that they KNOW that he does NOT want to know about anything else. After my daughter's boyfriend had been coming over to visit many times over several months, my hubby finally asks if there was anything going on! Ding, ding, ding!! You win the genius prize!

Unknown said...

LOL!!@ blink,blink, blink!!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this picture of Danyelle! This reminds me of when I was 14, Greg bought me a teddy for Valentine's Day and my mother said he was only trying to butter me up to get some - as you can see I NEVER talked to my mother about boys! Even now that my mother is more relaxed and mentions things like sex I scream EW and cover my ears. Recently we were talking about wedding plans and I was pondering what I would get at my bridal shower. So here's what was said...

Me: What would people buy, a bunch of Victoria Secret cards? I don't need those.

My mother: Girl, yes you do you have to keep him interested!

Me: Unn, that's what cute outfits are for, I don't need that bomchickawahwah wear.

My mother: After the wedding yall probably will end up with another baby!

Me: EW!!!!!!

Believer said...

"You know I can't keep water if I were a cup."

First time I heard that one and love it!

Your first-born will find out someday that married folk share everything.

Leigh said...

LOL. It's good that ya'll have that kind of relationship! The conversation about dad being hot or not was funny.

Anonymous said...

You really do have some beautiful children. What a blessing.

(My mama goes on and on too. I'ma need ya'll to work on that!)

Anonymous said...

It's a blessing that she feels comfortable enough to speak with you about boys.

"Big, strong, muscular with facial hair, not bald like dad."

That was funny!!

Aly Cat 121 said...

awww what a beauty!


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