Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random things my son said to me today. In no particular order.

Random things my son said to me today. In no particular order.

He says A LOT of things all day, every single day but, these made me giggle:

Mommy let's go the wig store today.

I don't like brown bread. (wheat) --after I already made his grilled cheese sandwich

Put more milk in my cup please. A little bit more (pinching his thumb and forefinger together to show me the measurement)

I can sleep with you when the sun comes out. (He's been banished to his room. No more co-sleeping. Needless to say, he breaks all the rules and has now come up with a new rule. When morning comes, he can get in our bed when daddy goes to work)

Can you call my daddy? I want him to make me a grilled cheese sandwich.

Can we go to the mall so I can put money in the wishing well?


Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

"Mommy let's go the wig store today." - priceless!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT BOY!! And take him to the wishing well. He's got dreams that need to come true.

Fergie said...

DJ is full of questions, how cute. I just kept a 3 year old that repeatedly asked me why, over and over again.

Tania said...

Haha! keeping his mama on her toes.

Believer said...

I'm curious about the wig store request.


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