Saturday, March 29, 2008

flashback fridays!

Welcome to another Flashback Friday!
DJ and Daddy doing their favorite activity.


KJ Family said...

Too cute! Thanks for your comment about M - I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Awwww...that is so sweet.

Isaida said...

How cute....

angie said...

I am dying over DJ's hair! Soooo cute! I love daddy and son pics!

Anonymous said...

don't you miss, but not really, the braids?

So adorable, but annoying to keep up. James had them for years... pain in the a**.

I'll have to post some pics of what his hair USED to look like before the day I said enough is enough and shaved it.

Jenna Wood said...

Too cute! I LOVE DJ's hair. Oh my gosh, I just want to eat him up. YUM!

Anonymous said...

I remember that picture- it is sooo sweet. I still miss DJ's hair

Anonymous said...

ohhhh he looks so little....

Lara said...


Believer said...



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