Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!

They were looking for volunteers at the edible bugs exhibit at the San Diego Zoo. Look who I signed up to be a taste tester. I would have tried them out but, why miss a photo op?

Yummy!! and yes, he ate the bug. He's a boy. Gross. I know.


Adrienne said...

Girl what is that? LOL, did he really eat it???

Unknown said...

That is SUCH a boy for ya!

Anonymous said...


Atasha said...

I'm laughing so hard over here. How did he say it tasted?

Believer said...

Is that a bug?!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, eating delicious and rotisserie bugs! The joys of being a young boy! I miss those days!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

and I am having a kid of that species??!!!

Keelah said...

There are so many activities for your little one! How are you finding them? I'm just wondering because you are giving DJ such a good childhood, I hope I can do the same, but I am not aware of where to find stuff like this! I want my kids to eat bugs too!! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww....such a brave baby!

Quiskaeya said...

DJ is just to cute for words! Even eating bugs and all.:)

Anonymous said...

Haha! Looks like he's kinda enjoying it!!

He is so adorable!!

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Afrodite said...

Is that a cricket?!? Oh gawd!!

Maria's Space said...

Wow...ummm..did he like it?

Interesting. Not sure that I would even be able to attend anything that included the words Bug and Taste in the title.

Tristan said...

EEEWWW!! That is all I can about that!

He is such a cutie though!

Kwana said...

How Brave of him! I'm cracking up. I'm glad I found your blog.

angie said...

Wow! look at that boy... he is brave! It looks like a bee! what is it? he should be on fear factor and make you guys some $ eating gross things!

Tania said...

Ilk! he didn't eat that did he?

Unknown said...

Boys will be boys!
did he actually eat it?

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

You have it good, a toddler that you don't have to force to eat anything! Meals at your house must be easy peasy!

Anonymous said...

Did he or didn't he?! :) if you have time, take a peek at our WW shot too..happy blogging! :)

Shai said...

I pray he knows not to eat any old bug. LOL. Don't want him runny around eating bugs at home.

Babs said...

You let my baby eat live bugs???? I'm calling Dfacs! lol

Jameil said...

"looks like a bug..." *crunch crunch* "yep. tastes like a bug, too." i would've eaten it, too.

Tes283 said...

Ah, to be a child again. To not have to be brave to eat a bug. To just be in the momnet to explore.
thanks for sharing.

Christine said...

We've done this. Marc and I had the BBQ-flavored mealworms. Kinda tasted like popcorn =)


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