Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Give me your best pick up line!

Me: Let's say you were single and I was a lady you saw and you wanted to 'holla' at me.
Give me your best pick up line.

Him: Oh that's easy. I wouldn't even say anything, I would just give you that 'look' and you would know what time it was.

Me: Really? Ok, let me see the 'look'

Him: Here's the first look I would give you.

And this one right here, would have you writing down those digits with the quickness.
Yeah, you would be weak for me with this look right here.

Me: I am so glad you've been off the market for a long time. Because honestly if you had to go back out there in the 'game' I'm not sure how long you would make it with that 'look'

I love this guy.

Sidenote: Danyelle was off in the background gagging herself with the largest spoon she could find.


Shelliza said...

ROFL!!! I have to agree with you. What's with that look? ROFL!!!

Anonymous said...

LOl! Poor thing. That last look says, "I need a toothpick."

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Okay now all he needs is a pimp limp to go with "the look" and he will really look like a damn fool! LOL!!! I could see my hubby thinking that would work! I kinda like cheesy pick-up lines. When Dwayne first saw me in high school, he ran down 3 flights of stairs and was panting like a dog and all that he could think of saying to me is "I gotta have you!" I pulled the old "whatever" and flipped my hair. We were a steady couple by the following week!

Afrodite said...

The first look, maybe. The second look? Nuh uh...that's not gonna cut it.

Either way, this post was funny as hell!

Tania said...

That is seriously hilarious!!! don't stop get it get it! rofl.

Unknown said...

LOL...I love the line he gave you, too.."you would know what time it was" Too funny!! :)

Anonymous said...

The first look maybe. But yeah, that second look seems like he has some chicken stuck in his teeth. LOL

Leigh said...

Ha, ha!!! That's pretty funny. That is the "cool" look or whatever they call it today.

Cluizel said...

LMAO...this post is so cute!

Keelah said...

Girl...I saw this while answering a call at work. Needless to say I just cracked up in the persons ear! Thats whats up! I KNEW what time it was! :)

Anonymous said...

Please tell your husband those looks are not PLAYER at all!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JayJayGhatt said...

hilarious post!

Mamapumpkin said...

LMAO!!! He's just being ever so sweet, by not giving you the real looks, cuz honey, if you turned to jelly, they all will. :-P


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