Thursday, March 2, 2006


this is a long post, i'm not going to correct my grammar or anything soooo if it drives you up a wall to see a sentence like: YOUR the best or THEIR were too many people in the room. Just exit right now. Or you can go read this BOOK !!!! LOL

i'm going to explode with excitement!!!!!!!!! lemme just tell you that i don't ask for a lot. i really don't but...for christmas i wrote a list of things i wanted for christmas. of course my famliy thought i lost my mind because I NEVER ask for anything..i'm the one who insists that we spend it at a shelter feeding the homeless or something worthwhile but....i dont know what happened to me this year, maybe it was the part about missing christmas with my hubby last year, having a baby without him here (iraq deployment) i became what you calll... reminiscent .and guessed it I even bought a tree (gasp!) I even sat down and wrote out a list list consisted of

Oprah 20th anniv DVD
Wireless Express *so i can blog from bed*
Tivo -never got b.cause i didn't know i had to pay amonthly fee
Ipod Nano - never got b.cause i didn't STRESS that i reallllllyyyyyyy wanted one. i just wanted one because well...ummm i thought it would be cool to have and hey! my teenage daughter has one! LOL
needless to say i didnt' get anything because my family thought I was playing!!!!!!!!!!
can you believe that! they thought i was playing! playing about what???? they said, well,,you're the one who's always ranting about 'ya'll aiin't bringin no dead tree up in this house' presents? you living ain't cha! sooooooo put a bow on it!
on christmas day i wondered what the h*ll!! where my presents!!! well, of course when they realized i was serious, they scrambled out and bought my oprah dvd *those who know me, know that i love me some oprah AND YES...I bought a million little pieces(LOL) and nixed all my other requests because well...they cost a sh*t load of money that we didn't have....

yesterday we took a rode trip out to irvine spectrum and we went to the apple store. ok people, i almost thought i was gonna piss myself. those who know me know that i love gadgets, i thought ohhhhh no he didn't i wasn't ready, i had no idea we were coming here ( i left my camera in the car) GASP!!! well....after he disappeared to the side of the store being all secretive i was starting to do a jig to the tune of the nappy roots song--Awww naw, Hell Naw, He done up and done it! Yes,,, people, he bought the wireless extreme! I was thinking oh my goodness it must be the infamous HOLIDAY THAT MELISSA was talking about! GASP!!
well, people, i'm pleased to announce.....
my hubby just installed wireless extreme (i'm blogging from bed) woooooo hooooooo and i'm going to lose my mind! i cannot stand myself right now. i don't need tivo, i don't need an Ipod (still want one but...i don't need it)...i'll never have time to watch,listen or deal with it and or figure out how to set it up but...people, lemme just say....i'm soooo excited and who knows... maybe now i will write that BOOK i've been procrastinating on since i was 10.
****Ummmmm.....Ok let the record show that I didn't mean that I didnt' get anything I meant to say I didn't get anything ON my list dear sweet daughter bought me some new clothes (really nice stuff too-they're not playgroup type of clothes cousin tracye will be proud), Generation V jewelry (i love that place), new shoes and she gave me tons of hugs and kisses. I told you before people, I have the best daughter in the world****


Granny said...

WoooooHooooo indeed!!! I'm excited on your behalf.

Did I sound excited enough? Seriously, that's so great.

Andie D. said...


GOOD MAN! I am so happy for you! I cannot WAIT for the day. But I will, because it'll be worth it!!

city dweller said...

I am so jealous!!! congrats. thats really nice.

Anonymous said...

Oooo your a mac girl too!!! Aren't Apple stores heavenly!!!!
YAY!! For new gadgets!!

Negro D said...

haha. love how dad gets all the credit when i actually went to the store and told him all the info about it. and give us some credit. we gave you more than the dvd.

lts nice that youre happy about it.

*Tanyetta* said...

Ummmmm.....Ok let the record show that I didn't mean that I didnt' get anything I meant to say I didn't get anything ON my list dear sweet daughter bought me some new threads, jewelry, shoes and gave me tons of hugs and kisses.
Sorry Miss Coheed and Calamari/Cambrialistic or whatever they're called....I love you! you know this man!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Ohhh, I am so jealous that you can blog from bed. If that was the case, I would never be off the computer!

Veronika said...

Wow, you're lucky! It sounds as if you're surrounded by thougtful people.
Can't wait to read the childrens book!
Did you see Oprah the other day with Rachel Ray? I missed it. Love Oprah, too.

Mama Grouch said...

I just read something the other day that got me thinking about my own future novel (you may have heard it before but oh well).

If you write one page a day at the end of the year you have a 365 page novel. That is a perfectly acceptable length of time to write a novel. One Page A Day.

I can do that right? Of course Oscar is still a lump so that may change when he is climbing on top of glass things!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wireless? What's that!! Just kidding. Wireless is wonderful.

I'm probably one of three folks in town that still have dial up, and hate it.

Negro D said...

lol. its all good.

im just sayin.

L♥ve you mom. and it is pretty cool having wireless printing.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! I have been begging my brother in law to come install our wireless internet for 2 years. Lazy bum won't do it. And my husband is worthless when it comes to that stuff.
Enjoy it for me okay?

Anonymous said...

Wireless internet is the best! My boyfriend hooked it up for me for Christmas and I have been in heaven ever since.

Mieke said...

Wireless and Tivo changed our lives. Tivo is AMAZING.

You are on your way.


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