Wednesday, December 6, 2006

There has to be a better way

My son has an obsession with changing Elmo's diapers! It's gotten so bad, I have to HIDE the diapers and wipes. I put the wipes on the top of the bookshelp and I put the diapers away. Well, needless to say, when I was washing dishes today, I turned around to see my son on the 3rd or 4th shelf reaching for the babywipes container!

I screamed!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he jumped down. He starts crying--and screaming(((((change elmo, wipe, change elmo, wipe!!!!)))Yes, people, I reacted the way the 'experts' say never to do! NEVER raise your voice, NEVER show fear, anger, your kids or pets. Well, if you can remember, I'm not a perfect mom and I am about to lose my mind over here.

Needless to say, the bookshelf despite the fact that it was bolted into the wall thanks to my very cautious husband, it has been dismantled and replaced with an ottoman and pillows! This way if he decides to climb that, his fall won't be far down.

MY GOODNESS what else is he going to get into? -I guess I shouldn't ask that question.

----I cannot turn my back EVER on this kid! EVER!!!--


Anonymous said...

Are we leading the same life here? EBaby climbs and scales things to his heart's delight. I try not to yell but he scares me to death! This too shall pass (it has to- my poor heart can't take much more)

Anonymous said...

My daughter is the same exact way and I tend to react the same exact way. I am never ever in a millon years going to ever claim status as a perfect mom. I have pretty much just cleaned out her room of climing things... and taht child can climb on anything anything at all and the rest of the house as well. My bed room is jammed with book cases. As far as the cleaning thing goes. I wait till the end of the day and then tell my daughter she can either help me clean or go to bed. *wicked grin* she generally helps me clean cause that is of course way better then going to bed;)

TJ said...

he knows cleanliness is next to Godliness...hehe!!
I'm sure he is very, very, sorry for scaring Mommy


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