My daughter just got home from work. She had to work a double shift. I haven't seen her since this morning. Of course, I had to take a photo of her.
I had to beg her to get this photo. She was complaining that her hair wasn't done and her makeup was a mess. I disagree!
I'm your mother!!!!! say CHEEEEEEEEEESE!
My question is: How do you work all day and still look this fabulous. I'm serious. I hate her. LOL
I think it has something to do with age... because at the end of the day, whether I work or not, I don't look fabulous... oh wait... i don't know the last day that I didn't do any work...
I work a double shift ever Sunday (16 hours, from 3pm until 7am) and I sure as heck don't look NEARLY as cute as she does.
she IS fabulous!! where does she work? MAC?
ah, to be young again :)
she looks lovely! boo to double shifts!!
Ahhh..I miss those years!
She looks awesome!
Are you sure that's after a double shift? She's still a cutie!
she does look good for having worked 2 shifts as you say. And still got the flower in her hairs. My sh*t woulda been all crushed up, not to mention raccoon eyes LOL
She looks like she' just heading off to work!
Love the flower.
Once FABULOUS always FABULOUS! So there! ROFL!
I hate her too! Loving the make-up and hair...that little liar! She knows she looks gooood!!!
Good lord, I'd have no make up left, bags under my eyes and there'd be NO smile after 2 shifts. Damn.
She is fabulosity at its best! Chalk it up to age and the good genes she got from her parents! No need to hate.
Danyelle is, indeed, fabulous. At that age, she needs no makeup!!! Nature does it better.
WOW she is very beautiful!!! Look like i just got out of bed most days LOL!
Omg she is gorgeous. What is she talking about her hair wasn't done and her makeup was a mess? lol Silly Danyelle!
Who said "Youth is wasted on the young"? It's so unfair!
Aww she's beautiful! Why is she worried about makeup? She's a natural!
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