Saturday, March 29, 2008

Buying snacks at the movie theater? Umm...that's a negative Ghost Writer!

My daughter and I went to the movies yesterday.

We saw The Other Boleyn Girl.

We ate at Chipotle. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!

We bought snacks from the market then put them in our bags to enjoy during the movie.


Fun times.

Daddy kept DJ all day. We finally made it home around 10:30pm.

What a great day!


Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

One time my mother and one of my aunts went to the movies. My aunt brought a big cheeseburger in and she raised hell when staff came up to her and told her to throw it away, lmao!

Jameil said...

mmmmmmmmmm chipotle!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mother/Daughter time is always needed every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how with a little one and a grown one how we can switch hit and go from dora and diego to (in our case ,18 yr old boy, hooters and ill drive ma.
used the bath and body coupon hehehehe got 12 awesome products for under 20 wooohoooo

Leigh said...

Sounds like fun! I do this to avoid buying snacks at the show. I put stuff in my purse, even popcorn in a plastic bag and soda.

Mamapumpkin said...

Oooo......I've got that Boleyn book waiting in queue but since you've seen the movie, why don't you just tell me the ending, seeing how much time I have everyday to read *excited eyes*

Believer said...

Did you say Chipotle? That's good food.


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