Sunday, January 29, 2006

Friday, January 27, 2006


Me: DJ, say CHEESE!
DJ: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

***tHiS kId cRaCkS mE uP oN a dAiLy bAsIs***

Thursday, January 26, 2006

If only I could read his mind!

Have you ever wished you could read your child's mind?

Me: DJ, We're going to feed the ducks today!
DJ: Quack! Quack! Quack!
Me: Yes! We're going to feed the Quack! Quack! Quack!

He's so excited in this picture!!

Then there's this day where I'm glad I can't read his mind. I don't even want to know the bleeped out words he's calling me for putting him in the playpen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm growing up!

My son and I went to feed the ducks the other day and I tell you, this kids LOVES to feed the ducks. At one point I noticed he also ate the STALE bread himself. This is when it hit me: I'm GROWING up. There was a time when I would have DIED if my son ate a cheerio off the floor, now people, I'm proud to announce, I didn't die! I didn't have a fit when I noticed the once large piece of bread became smaller and smaller.

Now before you lose your mind, I didn't allow him to eat the entire piece of STALE bread, I just noticed that the once large piece of bread began to disappear and the ducks were quacking as if to say: "Hey kid, drop the bread or move out the way for the people who are here to actually feed us and not themselves!!!!"

Well, there you have it, I'm growing up people, I'm letting certain things that my son does like: When he eat cheerios off the floor, leaving backwash when he drinks out of my cup, kissing the TV screen a million times and leaving a million fingerprints in the process, and most of all when STRANGERS come up to my kid to TOUCH him, I don't CRINGE as much anymore but, I'm still SHOCKED that people have the nerve to do it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

what are your thoughts?

Ok!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!! Be honest. What was your FIRST thought when you saw this picture?
Did you think: What the heck is DJ doing playing with dolls? Be honest, did you really think that? I have a question: Do you think it's OK for boys to play with dolls?

Today's playdate was super duper fun. Well...that's what my son would say if he could eh,! As always I take tons of photos to capture the moments. Today's photos brought up a few thoughts. I figured I would venture out and ask your opinion on this subject. As you can see from the attached photo, my SON is playing with a baby stroller. Question: Do you see anything wrong with BOYS playing with dolls?

My teenage daughter (which by the way knows it all and I know nothing) says she doesn't see anything wrong with BOYS playing with dolls. She says, "it's society that SCREAMS out DON'T let them play with dolls, don't let them wear pink (umm that was me!) don't pick them up for every little cry, they'll become know where I'm going with this.

Sooo....... back to my question. Do you think it's OK for boys to play with baby dolls and strollers. Just wondering!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Help! I have a picky eater! Now before you get your shorts up in bunches, I'm not calling my son NAMES, I just couldn't figure out any other politically correct word to describe the fact that my son HATES my cooking!

Am I the only one out there with a picky eater?

There are some days he's like this:

Then there are some days he's like this:

Ok, you can stop LAUGHING now! I need your help. Please email me some meal suggestions. What do you feed your toddler? What's his/her favorite food?

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The ability to make friends just by showing up!

I am always impressed at the talent my son has in making NEW friends. I know you're thinking, he's 15 months for goodness sakes, how many friends does this kid have? Well, I decided to sit down and count his friends, then I immediately STOPPED and threw the paper away because as you can see the total changes DAILY! This kid can make a friend just by SHOWING up! Case in point:

I'm enjoying a nice swing with my son and along comes: "Cute girl" I'll call her "Cute Girl" because I neglected to get her name. Bad Mommy, I know! Well...this is how it all went down:
Me: Weeeeeee isn't this fun DJ?
DJ: Ummm, sure we do this atleast twice or three times a week but, sure! Yeahhh....... it's fun mommy!
Me: Weeeeeeee let's go higher!
DJ: Ummmm, let's not, I just had lunch!
Me: Oops! Sorry you're right. I'll slow it down a bit!

---Notice this is where I notice "cute girl" approaching!---

Cute Girl: Hi baby, what's your name?

DJ: Geldkkjdkjad;fkdd;;dkfjakfa; Baaa Baaaaa Laaa Laaaa

Cute Girl: What's your baby's name?
Me: Darrin
Cute Girl: She's cute (notice she called my HE a SHE) well, I let it slide because umm well, she's the "cute girl" remember!
Me: Thanks!
Cute Girl: Can I swing her?

Me: Sure, let me get my camera
DJ: Geez! this woman and that camera
Cute Girl: Weeeeee......Isn't this fun?
DJ: Giggle Giggle Snort Snort

Cute Girl: Can I take him out now?
Me: Ummm, sure why not!
Cute Girl: Come on Darrin let's go water the flowers
DJ: In an obvious trance, follows cute girl around the park as if I wasn't there

With that said, I got jealous and said, let's go DJ and this is what happened!

Sooo......1/2 hour later, I'm still snapping photos and making sure Cute Girl doesn't run off with my Cute Kid!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The joys of NON toys

My son is 14 months old and with everyday comes a new adventure, a new discovery and all in a days work, I can honestly say I'm really and truly enjoying motherhood the second time around. I've learned he enjoys NON toys more than real TOYS

As you can see, he ENJOYS post-it notes. Most of all he enjoys putting them all over his daddy. FUN FUN FUN.

I have asked many people with sons if they outgrow the following and many of them say NO. With that said...Here's his newfound "toy" that he has discovered and really enjoys "playing with"

Monday, January 16, 2006

My first born-Danyelle

My first born-Danyelle
Originally uploaded by tanyetta.
Presenting our first born, Danyelle. She looks like this everyday (SMILES). Always upbeat and never really let's too many things bother her. I have to admit she was really SHOCKED to find out that her parents were still doing the humpty dance (the birth of her baby brother). She has taken it all very well and has adjusted to the fact that there's a little person in the house who REPEATS everything you say and follows her around the house (yes even the bathroom). PRIVACY is a thing of the past in this house and she's OK with it. I love this girl. You would too if you met her!

cold busted

cold busted
Originally uploaded by tanyetta.
The things this kid gets into doesn't surprise me any longer.

Nursing Woes

Ok before you call The La Leche League hear me out. I LOVE my son. I LOVE everything about spending time with my son. He's 14 months and for the past few weeks I've been experiencing some serious "I don't want to NURSE my son any longer" feelings.

I have tried everything I can think of which is why I'm coming here to VENT. My husband (the same person who DEMANDED that I NURSE our baby way before we had him) says COLD TURKEY is the way to go. Well, last night was the COLD TURKEY event. It went like this: Dinner, Playtime, Bath, read a book and time for sleep. I proceeded to place my son in his CRIB and all hell broke loose.

I asked hubby to come in and take over because maybe the baby thinks hey, this is the time when I get the Milkies and fall asleep. After 1/2 hour of serious SCREAMS not even sobbing or whining it was all out SCREAMS, I gave in. AFter 3 maybe 4 sucks this boy was OUT COLD. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help. How did you wean? Please don't report me to the League. Help me please!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Hello Everyone-
DJ here!

I'm sure after a LONG day of work, receiving a HUG from your baby makes it
all worth it. You know you want to say it, go ahead, come on say it with
me: Awwwwwwwww...........

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Hello Everyone,

My son who is all of 14 months old has an obsession with books. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact that he LOVES books. He doesn't have a FAVORITE (that i know of). This is how it goes, he goes to get a book and backs up on you to sit in your lap so you can read it to him. Don't even think of skipping a page, he's onto that. It's as if he's saying hey! i remember there was a dog, cat, horse, rabbit sequence in this book. God forbid if I fast forward to the rabbit and skip the dog and cat, it's a repeat offender offense and thus I have to start all over again.

All I can think of back in the day (when I was younger) this was pretty much all i remember about my 2nd grade teacher, she was obsessed, she was tricky though: she would offer food, candy, stickers, whatever to get us to read and ummm hello, yes it worked!

So to my second grade teacher: THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Annoying Little Brothers

Has anyone ever had an annoying little brother? No? Well, me either but,
if he was doing half of what DJ was doing to his friend Damier (see attached
photo) I can only imagine what the outcome would be!

Damier: Oh great, this kid just took my Elmo from me! This is going to be a
LONG car ride!
DJ: See, See, at least I'm not touching you!
Damier: Will someone PLEASE!!!! get this kid away from me!
DJ: Hey, I'm trying to get your attention! My fingers are sticky and I
took your elmo don't you care?!?
Damier: Will someone PLEASE!!! get this kid away from me or i'm going to
pop him!
DJ: See, See, at least I'm not touching you! Hee Hee Snort Snort!!

I know many of you are thinking..Ummm, Kim why are you taking pictures of
this, why aren't you stopping DJ from bothering Damier?

Well, my answer to that would be: If I didn't take this awesome picture I
wouldn't have material for my blog!


Have a great week people!

Saturday, January 7, 2006


Hello everyone!

DJ here-

My mom and dad went on their 'date' the other

so my big sister (who by
the way is the best of all time)

watched me while
my parents were off doing
what parents do. Well, unbeknownst (is that a
word?) to them, me and my big
sister were having a GREAT TIME here at home.

She let me sit on the computer table and watch
between the lions(PBS totally rocks) and eating
goldfish crackers, the best part: she let me put
my feet on the
table!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh told you she was the

Hope you're having a great weekend, you know I

Love, DJ

Friday, January 6, 2006

It's the weekend Baby!

Hello Everyone,

DJ Here!

I received some books from my neighbors Dan and Diane yesterday and one of the books
makes sounds when you press the button; needless to say I am STILL pressing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s! FUN FUN FUN.....

Oh before I forget, do you like my new and very cool sunglasses? Hope so, because my big sister (she's the best) bought them for me...Here's the best part...........It was roughly 80 degrees today. Just thought you'd like to know!

In closing, why not do something really fun this weekend? I definitely will. You know I'm all about having a great time!

Have a great weekend!

Love Baby Darrin (DJ)

Wednesday, January 4, 2006


DJ and I went to the mall yesterday and I look down and notice he's MISSING
a shoe! Urrgghhhh....I know, I know, we've all been there, but, please know
this isn't just any ordinary shoe, it's the: PLAYDATE, ROUGH AND TOUGH AND ALL
THAT STUFF pair of shoes. You know the ones that can take a licking and keep on
ticking...PANIC sets in..I'm thinking OH NOOOOOOOOO I cannot LOSE that shoe!
Needless to say I had to retrack my steps frantically, it was a scene out of the
twilight zone! Hi,
umm hello, Have you seen this shoe? Hi, I was just in here, has anyone
turned in a shoe, etc...

Here's the kicker: What is the purpose of asking my SON ohhh honey did you
lose a shoe?
DJ: mom thinks it's fun to run around looking for a shoe we didn't
lose. Here's your sign.

Geez! I tell you, the more I ran around asking the more I just said oh
forget it, it's lost let's go home. But, then I remembered they were on
sale, it was the last pair, there's NO more out there...GO F I N D that

The last store we went into goes like this:
Lady with glasses 1/2 way perched on her nose: Hi, may I help you?
Mom: Hi, Did anyone turn in a shoe? (all the while pointing at DJ's shoe)
Lady with glasses 1/2 way perched on her nose: (bends down and begins
talking to DJ) Did you lose your shoe honey?
DJ: (I'm just a baby ask the wild woman pushing the stroller)
Mom: Ummm Hi..Hello, did anyone turn in a shoe?
Lady with the most annoying pair of glasses hanging off her nose: What does
it look like?
Mom: (thinking to herself, Is this lady serious?) Like this one!
The lady who's about to lose her glasses if she bends down any further: SHE
is a cutie! What's HER name?
Mom: (ok if she thinks HE's a GIRL, then I have no chance in finding the other
shoe, Note to self: I'm going to get her some new glasses)
MOM: HE'S a boy
MOM: (I'm not even going to answer that)
Lady: HE'S too cute to be a boy, With all that hair he looks likes a girl.
MOM: Ohhh, ummm hi, did anyone turn in a shoe?
Lady: (touching DJ's hair) Mommy needs to cut your hair honey.
MOM: (Ok...the next person that says anything about cutting my son's hair
will lose their tongue)
Lady: What's his name?
Lady: What does DJ stand for?
MOM: Darrin, Jr
Lady: Is he named after DAD?
MOM: areyoukiddingmerightnow!

Sunday, January 1, 2006

In the beginning...Introductions and all that fancy stuff.

This is considered the beginning of my blogging journey.

Thank you to Ebonymom for getting me started. And for introducing me to a whole new world. I began my blogging journey here and wanted to try blogger. So here I am.

I'm Tanyetta. Married to Darrin. We're highschool sweethearts and we have two children. Danyelle and Darrin, JR (DJ)
Come on this journey with me as I discover mommyhood for the second time around.

This blog is mainly about DJ but, I promise to write more about myself and the other members of our family every now and then.

Happy Reading!

This picture was taken in 2001. We had NO idea DJ would come into our lives three years later and change our entire world.

This picture was taken in 2004. As you can see DJ is front and center. The life of the party!


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