Sunday, July 15, 2007

We have a WINNER!

We have a WINNER!
In celebration of my 500th post

Let's put all the names into a bag!
Shake it up!

Pick out a name!

Here's the WINNER!

Hold up the name so EVERYONE can see it!

We have a Winner!!!
Thank you to everyone who entered!!!

Congrats to:
Jane at Pinks and Blues


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness! Those pictures are adorable.

Anonymous said...


Jane, P&B Girls

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

I can't wait to do little stuff like this. He is so doggone cute!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Yay for Jane and DJ looks so darn cute!! I will hate for the day he starts to lose his teeth cause he will stop looking like a little boy. That is so sad to think about :( Stop growing up DJ!


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